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Laryngectomy Consumables Program

The Laryngectomy Consumables Program (LCP) is funded by the Department of Health. The program provides subsidised (Electronic Voice Aids and Laryngectomy Consumables to eligible Victorian Laryngectomy patients access everyday items that they need to assist with communication and breathing.

Electronic Voice Aids & Laryngectomy Consumables

AT Item

Maximum Subsidy Amount


Electronic voice aid

$1,500 per five years

Speech Pathologist

Standard voice prosthesis: indwelling

$450 maximum subsidy per voice prothesis - up to maximum of three per year

Standard voice prosthesis: non-indwelling

Specialised voice prosthesis: indwelling

Specialised voice prosthesis: non-indwelling

Laryngectomy Consumables

$5,000 per annum as per recommended quantities

Am I eligible?

You are eligible if you: 

  • Are a permanent Victorian Resident or hold a temporary or permanent protection Visa or are an asylum seeker
  • Have a long-term condition/disability and/or are frail aged
  • Do not receive other government funding for laryngectomy items
  • Are not an in-patient of a public or private hospital or permanent resident of a residential care facility
  • Cannot claim the full cost of products/items through your private health insurance policy
  • Have not been discharged from a public hospital or an extended care centre within 30 days, where products/items are related to the hospital admission

 In addition to meeting the VA&EP eligibility criteria above, to access laryngectomy consumables an applicant must: 

  • Have undergone a surgical procedure for laryngectomy, and completed an appropriate trial of consumable products/Items (for a minimum 30 days post discharge)

You must be a Victorian resident, living independently in the community with a permanent/long term disability and/or frail aged as described in the A&EP Guidelines. For further information on eligibility, please refer to the Applying to Laryngectomy Consumables

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