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Website Portal Frequently Asked Questions
How do I login to the SWEP website?
To login you need to go to the AT Practitioners Login page:
Your username is your firstname and surname with a dot in-between e.g. firstname.surname
How do I reset my password?
If you cannot remember your password, you can reset it through this link:
If you cannot remember your email or ID, please contact swepimt@gh.org.au
Which browser can I use to access the website?
The website works best in Chrome but works in Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer from version 9 onwards. You may have difficulty with form functionality with older or lesser-known browsers.
How can I check my credentialing levels in the portal?
- On the home page click Manage Registration Profile
- Scroll down to bottom of page and look at the related lists, there are 3 blue hyperlinks for Practitioner Organisation, Professional Membership and Credentials - you want to click on credentials
- A list of your credentials will be displayed
Can I edit my applications?
Submitted applications to SWEP cannot be edited in the details of the application, you can add attachments. If you wish to edit an application, please contact SWEP. Draft applications can be edited the form only needs to be completed when you choose to submit.
Can I delete attachments from my applications?
Once submitted you will not be able to delete attachments. If the application is in draft then yes you can delete.
How can I get my applications validated?
If you don't have the necessary credentialing level you can choose to send the application to a validating AT Practitioner you work with or within your organisation. If you do not have this option then you can request a SWEP Clinical Advisor to validate the application for you.
When you are ready to submit the application, it will tell you if you require a validating AT Practitioner. You can choose from your own validating AT Practitioner or choose to use a SWEP Clinical Advisor. SWEP Clinical Advisors are only to be used if you do not have another AT Practitioner within your organisation who can validate the application for you.
What do the validation statuses mean?
Validation - this means your application requires an amber or red AT Practitioner.
SWEP Requires Validation - this means your application has been assessed by SWEP staff as being outside your credentialing levels. You will need to request validation.
Are emails mandatory for the portal?
AT Practitioner email is mandatory - consumer email is not. If you enter a consumer email you can choose for the consumers communications to be sent there rather than by mail. All emails must include an @ symbol to be valid.
Can I change my email address on individual applications?
Your email address will be auto filled into application forms from your registration details. You can add multiple organisations to your profile and you will choose which on you want to set as your default. You can change your contact email and phone number for individual applications. This email address will receive notifications regarding that specific application.
Does the application have specific fields that must be filled?
All mandatory fields on application forms have a red asterix next to them. You will not be able to submit an application until all mandatory data has been entered.
Can I duplicate an application?
You can duplicate a submitted application by choosing the Copy Application button at the bottom of the screen. This will create a new application with the consumer details and diagnosis section brought over.
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