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What is the SWEP Repairs & Maintenance Initiative?

The State-wide Equipment Program (SWEP) owns over 30,000 Assistive Technology (AT) equipment. SWEP is responsible for the maintenance and repair of this AT equipment, which is loaned to consumers to help them live independently. If a SWEP consumer becomes a NDIS Participant, the consumer is able to continue to use the SWEP equipment loaned to them however, the costs of repairs and maintenance will need to be paid for using NDIS plan funds.

How is the equipment maintained?

SWEP sub-contacts repairs and maintenance to Chemtronics Direct who will send a technician to repair your equipment.

The Chemtronics group is a national company established over 40 years ago, which also carries out work for a large number of healthcare facilities, such as the Australian Defence Force and Ambulance Services.

Chemtronics is owned by Cabrini Health and currently manages, monitors and maintains over 250,000 assets across Australia and New Zealand, including AT equipment that is provided by SWEP. Chemtronics has an outstanding record of service. 

What is the difference between repairs and maintenance?

When the AT equipment breaks down, a repair is undertaken to fix it.

A Preventative Maintenance Program is available to regularly service some of our AT equipment to prevent or reduce breakdowns. This service operates during normal business hours. 

What do I do if the AT equipment I am using breaks down or requires maintenance?

Phone: 1300 PH SWEP (1300 747 937), press '1', and one of the SWEP staff will organise to get the equipment repaired for you.

SWEP and Chemtronics provide an emergency after-hours service 24 hours per day, every day of the year including public holidays, if it has been agreed by SWEP that the equipment needs to be fixed straight away.

When you call 1300 PH SWEP (1300 747 937) outside of business hours, you will be directed to the After-hours Emergency Service which is manned by Grampians Health Staff. 

Does SWEP repair tubing or tyres for scooters and wheelchairs?

The repair of tubing or tyres is the responsibility of the SWEP consumer. Your equipment supplier may know of a repair service if you are having difficulty finding one. You can also contact SWEP who will arrange for Chemtronics to repair the tubing or tyres - this repair will be at a cost to you.

When should I report a breakdown or intermittent fault with my AT equipment?

 As soon as it occurs, the functionality and safety of your equipment is important to SWEP.

Who do I tell if I need help to transfer out of the AT equipment while it is getting fixed?

If you are unable to transfer independently or make arrangements for family or a carer to assist you, let SWEP know when you report the breakdown.

What do I do if AT equipment I am using breaks down and is still under warranty?

 Contact SWEP and we will contact the original supplier to fix the problem under warranty.

How quickly will the repair be arranged?

You will be able to discuss how urgently the repair needs to be done; the response for the repair will depend on your living arrangements including carer support and how dependent you are on the equipment.

Repairs are prioritised to ensure that urgent repairs can be done in the quickest time possible. 

What happens if the AT equipment I am using breaks down when I am not at home?

When it is not possible for you to get home safely, SWEP will arrange for Chemtronics to come to wherever you are within Victoria.

Chemtronics is not able to make travel arrangements for you, so you may need to call either family or a taxi to get you home.

If you are in another State and SWEP equipment breaks down, we will assist you in finding an interstate repairer to fix the equipment. 

What happens if Chemtronics can't repair the AT equipment at my home?

Sometimes Chemtronics will not be able to fix the equipment at your home due to availability of replacement parts or access to specialised equipment repairers.

When this happens, Chemtronics will get the equipment repaired and returned to you as quickly as possible. 

Can I borrow an AT equipment from SWEP if it cannot be repaired at my home?

SWEP will talk to you about how much you depend on the equipment and whether we have the same equipment available in our refurbished equipment inventory for short term loan. 

SWEP is unable to lend you equipment if it is not the same as what you are using without the advice of your AT Practitioner. 

What happens if the AT equipment is not repairable or SWEP determines that it is not cost-effective to repair it?

If the equipment is not able to be repaired or if it is more cost-effective long term to purchase new equipment, Chemtronics will contact you by phone to discuss your options. If Chemtronics has refurbished replacement equipment that your AT Practitioner agrees is suitable and safe for you to use, SWEP will reissue this to you. If refurbished equipment is not suitable you can submit a new application to SWEP for new equipment. Your AT Practitioner will need to reassess you and once all the necessary paperwork has been received by SWEP there should be no wait for funding for the replacement.

If you wish to keep the old equipment, you can ask to have ownership transferred to you from SWEP. This will mean that you will be responsible for the maintenance and repairs of the equipment, as well as any costs incurred. 

What if I contributed to the cost of the AT equipment?

SWEP retains ownership of the AT item where SWEP have paid more than 50% of the cost.

What do I do if I don't want SWEP's contracted repairer to fix the AT equipment?

You should advise SWEP as soon as possible so that ownership is transferred to you. You can use your preferred repairer, and you will be responsible for paying for the repairs yourself. 

SWEP does not pay for repairs to equipment not owned by SWEP and is not responsible for maintaining it. 

What do I do if I don't need the AT equipment I have on loan from SWEP?

Contact SWEP and we will organise for the equipment to be collected. 

SWEP does not collect low-cost equipment. We will advise you if we are unable to assist with collection or disposal of equipment you no longer need.

What if I need to have modifications done to the AT equipment that I am using?

Your AT Practitioner will send SWEP their recommendation and a quote from their preferred supplier.

What are my responsibilities towards the AT item?

By accepting an AT item from SWEP, you agree:
  • The equipment is issued on a loan basis for as long as you need it unless you pay more than 50% towards the cost
  • To keep the equipment in good order and repair
  • The equipment is provided for your use only
  • You cannot re-lend the equipment or give or sell it to anyone else
  • You cannot modify or use the equipment inappropriately

What if I am a NDIS Participant?

Please visit the SLA website here or phone 1800 995 009.

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