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SWEP Consumers

We support people in Victoria with an eligible disability or ongoing health or ageing related need to live independently.

What is SWEP?

The State-wide Equipment Program (SWEP) supports eligible Victorians with subsidised funding towards the cost of receiving and maintaining assistive technology equipment and products, to improve independence and quality of life. This includes: 

  • Administration of State Government funding under various program streams.  
  • A responsive maintenance and repairs service for assistive technology equipment.  
  • 24/7 after hours emergency repair service. 
  • An interactive portal for your referring AT Practitioner to apply for subsidised equipment funding on your behalf.   This is integrated with a registration and credentialing process for AT Practitioners.  
  • Access to refurbished assistive technology with minimal or no wait (including support to your practitioner to identify equipment features and customise items).  
  • Contracts established with reputable assistive technology/product Suppliers for commonly requested items/products.
Note:  SWEP is a subsidy-based scheme.  This means that we do not fund the full cost of every equipment item/product.  There may be a gap between the subsidy amount and the cost of the item.  You will be advised if there is an out-of-pocket expense you are required to pay when your application is processed.

For a copy of our brochure click here

How can SWEP help you?

SWEP provides a range of programs and services to support consumers.  To learn more please visit our programs and services page here

How do I apply?

There are different eligibility criteria for the range of programs that SWEP provide. 

You need to be assessed by an appropriate, SWEP registered health professional/AT Practitioner from your local area.  They will help you determine the most suitable assistive technology (AT) equipment, product(s) and/or modification(s) needed and will apply to the relevant program on your behalf. This includes an assessment of whether you or your Carer can safely use the AT item(s).

If you are applying to SWEP for the first time, you may need to complete the Eligibility Form with all your personal details. If so, you will need to make an appointment to see your treating Doctor/Specialist/AT Practitioner to have them complete the last page of the Eligibility Form on your behalf. This is to confirm that you are eligible to receive assistance from SWEP.

Note:  SWEP do not provide retrospective funding which means SWEP will not reimburse or subside any costs of a purchase you make, before you have applied and an order has been sent to the Supplier.

Useful Information

If you are currently supported by one of the SWEP Programs the below information may be useful: 

Are you moving interstate?

There are some differences between the aids and equipment schemes in each State and Territory. To ensure you can
make informed choices and to ensure your needs will be met when you move, it is important to plan ahead. 
Generally, you will be able to take your assistive technology item(s) with you when you move interstate. You should contact your current 'assistive technology' scheme as soon as possible to confirm available options.

For more information, please click here.


You may wish to discuss your insurance options with your current insurance company for equipment such as scooters, wheelchairs or vehicle modifications.


Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights

The Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights describes the rights of people using the Australian healthcare system.

Your healthcare provider/AT Practitioner is the person or organisation that has assessed your needs and made an application for AT item(s) to SWEP. Your healthcare provider/AT Practitioner must discuss your rights and responsibilities under the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights with you. You can download a summary of the Charter using the links below. This summary outlines what this charter means if you are seeking or receiving care from a Victorian healthcare service. It tells you what you can expect from services, and what to do if you have a question or concern. You can find out more about the Charter at  Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights (second edition) - A4 Accessible | Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care

Please contact your healthcare provider/assistive technology Practitioner if you do not understand your rights under the Charter.

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