Laryngectomy Consumables Program Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Laryngectomy Consumables Program?
The SWEP Laryngectomy Consumables Program (LCP) provides eligible Victorians with subsidy funding towards the cost of electronic voice aids and laryngectomy consumables.
Am I eligible for funding?
You may be eligible for funding if you are:
- A permanent resident of Victoria and have a permanent or long-term disability/health condition; and
- have undergone a surgical procedure for laryngectomy and completed an appropriate trial of consumable products/items (for a minimum of 30 days post discharge.
A SWEP application and eligibility form allows us to determine your eligibility.
How do I apply for funding?
You will need to have an assessment by a SWEP registered Speech Pathologist who will complete an online application form on your behalf.
Your practitioner will need to certify that your disability/medical condition is permanent and that you have undergone a surgical procedure for laryngectomy.
How do I find a SWEP Registered Speech Pathologist?
To find a Practitioner you can contact your local hospital or council, community health centre or speak to your doctor.
What is the subsidy level and products?
You will need to have an assessment by a SWEP registered Speech Pathologist who will complete an online application form on your behalf.
Supply is based on your Speech Pathologists assessment and various packages may be funded including
- Electronic Voice Aid: $1,500 per five years
- Voice Prothesis: $450 up to three times per year
- Laryngectomy consumables - $5,000 per annum as per recommended quantities
If the subsidy does not cover the full cost of the items/products, you or a third party may need to pay the remainder.
What is the process once my Speech Pathologist assessment has been completed?
- If you are not known to SWEP you will be required to complete an eligibility form, which your practitioner/doctor will need to sign.
- The practitioner will complete an online application form on your behalf.
- All documentation is submitted to SWEP at which time you will receive a letter to inform you of the status of your application.
- SWEP will place and order with the relevant product Supplier who will arrange the delivery.
What do I do if the Electrolarynx Voice Aid I am using breaks down?
Phone: 1300 PH SWEP (1300 747 937) and one of our friendly team members will organise to get the equipment repaired for youa Practitioner you can contact your local hospital or council, community health centre or speak to your doctor.