The Victorian Government has introduced a 'Supplier Code of Conduct' to support the State's commitment to ethical, sustainable and socially responsible procurement. 'The Supplier Code of Conduct' became effective on 1 July 2017.
All suppliers to Victorian State Government agencies, including Ballarat Health Services (BHS) and the State-wide Equipment Program (SWEP), are expected to commit to the Supplier Code of Conduct.
The Supplier Code of Conduct does not supersede or alter any supplier's regulatory and contractual obligations.
The Supplier Code of Conduct applies to all suppliers to BHS/SWEP, whether contracted for goods and services or engaged to supply on an ad hoc basis via purchase order, including the supply of equipment, services or home or vehicle modifications to SWEP clients and NDIS participants.
SWEP is unable to trade with suppliers who are not committed to the Supplier Code of Conduct,
What do you need to do?
Suppliers to BHS/SWEP should:
Prescribing Therapists sourcing quotes for assistive technologies on behalf of clients and as part of an application for subsidy from SWEP should:
Further Information
If you require further information or clarification on how the Supplier Code of Conduct applies to SWEP procurement, please contact Brendon Butler, SWEP Manager Procurement on 1300 747 937.