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SWEP Communique - Aids & Equipment Program update

28 August 2024

Dear Practitioner, 

The State-wide Equipment Program (SWEP) is committed to ensuring that applications for equipment funded through the Victorian Aids & Equipment Program (VA&EP) are reviewed in line with our Priority of Access Guidelines.  The information you enter on your application under the Implications of Non-Provision is used to help us determine the urgency of need for your consumer.

To assist us in managing demand: 
  • refurbished equipment is funded as a no wait category upon receipt of a completed application and should be your first choice. SWEP will always re-check the reissue database prior to ordering new equipment
    • the equipment pool has been reviewed to ensure all items are current and well supported for parts. Please ensure that you view available items on the Chemtronics database prior to requesting new equipment 
    • if you cannot find a refurbished item, we encourage you to next consider an item from our contracted suppliers - see our online catalogue
  • when applying for funding please let your consumer know that applications are triaged so they are aware of potential wait for access to funding
  • notify SWEP if your consumer has received an item through an alternative funding source or are no longer eligible for the SWEP
  • escalation of an application should only occur where a consumers' needs have changed since the application was lodged and reviewed by our team. You will need to provide new information centered around the implications of non-provision to support escalation of urgency  
Thank you for your understanding and ongoing support to our consumers.   If you have any queries or concerns regarding this update, please contact our Quality & Leadership Support Officer: swep@gh.org.au 

SWEP Management  

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