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SWEP Consumer Reference Group - Call for New Members

8 March 2022

The State-wide Equipment Program (SWEP) is seeking volunteers to share their voice in shaping our services.  SWEP wants to hear what you think - your voice helps to make sure that our services are right for the community.  

SWEP is a sub-division of Grampians Health Ballarat which oversees a number of different assistive technology programs. We provide Victorian people who either have a permanent or long-term disability or are frail aged with subsidised equipment, products and/or home and vehicle modifications to enhance their independence and facilitate community participation.   

Grampians Health and SWEP is also registered with the National Disability Insurance Scheme as a provider of equipment, products, equipment hire and repairs.  For further information about our services please refer to website https://swep.bhs.org.au/for-individuals.php

The voice of consumers (including service users & representatives from 'like-minded' organisations/advocacy groups) helps SWEP to be more responsive and shape our service delivery model.   We currently have four Community Members on our Consumer Reference Group.

By joining our Consumer Reference Group you can help in many ways which could include: 

  • expressing your views on particular issues that SWEP wants to find out more about 
  • taking part in short focus groups about an issue or services
  • being a member of a working group related to projects and service expansions 
  • learning how we respond to consumer feedback and sharing your ideas for improvement  
  • sharing your ideas and experiences as a consumer/carer
  • helping us to develop consumer information and tools in language that is easily understood by our target audience.

SWEP understands that you will choose how you wish to contribute and may not wish to contribute to all projects.  Sometimes your participation might be via email and other times it might be an ongoing commitment to be part of a SWEP Committee or project.  You will also be invited to attend a quarterly meeting online or in person. 

Your participation as a Member of the SWEP Consumer Reference Group is a voluntary commitment however, you will be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses such as transport/parking for participation in activities.

If you are interested in becoming a member of our Consumer Reference Group, we look forward to hearing from you.   

Please contact Dianne Sealey, SWEP Quality & Leadership Support Officer to express your interest on 5333 8126 or email Dianne.Sealey@bhs.org.au. 

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