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AT Practitioner news

SWEP Communique - Home Modifications Up-date

4 August 2021

Dear AT Practitioners

A recent audit of applications to the Aids & Equipment Program has identified that a number of practitioners have requested minor home modifications, including rails, to more than one bathroom or toilet. 

SWEP Communique - Bed sticks that are not funded

27 July 2021

As per previous communique's we would like to confirm that SWEP can only fund bed sticks that have a ball point or curved end and will not fund bed sticks that are single point without a ball point end.

We have conducted a review of applications and it appears that we have incorrectly accepted some applications for a Cobra bed stick, which do not meet the criteria for funding.   

SWEP Communique - EOI Clinical Advisors - Lymphoedema & Speech Pathology - June 2021

28 June 2021

SWEP is seeking expressions of interest from Lymphoedema Therapists and Speech Pathologists to join our expert Clinical Advisory Panel.

We are seeking highly experienced clinicians who can demonstrate a minimum 10 years of experience prescribing lymphoedema compression garments or experience in voice aids, voice prothesis and laryngectomy consumables.  Clinicians should also be able to demonstrate participation in activities that contribute directly to maintaining their clinical competence and expertise.

SWEP Communique - Home Modifications clarification

7 May 2021

Dear Practitioners

We have recently received some enquiries regarding home modifications funding in relation to home access points.

Under the Victorian Aids & Equipment Program (VA&EP) Guidelines, it has always been intended to provide a safe entry for one access point only to the dwelling, when applying funding for ramps, step modifications (for two or more steps including platform steps) and rails. Where a request is to allow access to a garage for means of accessing the community, this will also be seen as one access point to the dwelling.

SWEP Communique - Motorised Mobility Devices Resources

6 May 2021
A suite of practical information resources is now available to support health professional conversations about motorised mobility devices and to guide clinical management.

These have been developed with extensive stakeholder involvement, including representation from SWEP on the Stakeholder Advisory Group.

Each year almost 1,000 Australians are admitted to hospital for a possible mobility scooter-related injury 

SWEP Communique - Updates to pressure care and transfer items related to bedding

19 April 2021
The Statewide Equipment Program (SWEP) is committed to providing consumers with access to a range of assistive technology items that are evidence based and suitable for various environments and presenting scenarios.
In response to feedback and a review of these items, we would like to clarify that SWEP practitioners are able to request the following items:

SWEP Communique - Independence Australia short closure from 5pm Thursday April 22 to 8am Wednesday April 28

12 April 2021

Dear Practitioner

Our Continence Program supplier Independence Australia have advised us of the following short term closure due to a system upgrade:


We wish to advise of our closure from:   5pm Thursday April 22 to 8am Wednesday April 28

SWEP Communique - LCGP Program Updates

26 February 2021
Recently SWEP were pleased to announce changes to the Lymphoedema Compression Garments Program which provided more access for eligible consumers and the addition of wraps and donners to the list of fundable items. In line with the recent changes we are further aligning the program to other Victorian Aids & Equipment Programs.

SWEP Communique - Welcome Pedorthists

21 December 2020

What's new? 

The Victorian Aids and Equipment Program (VA&EP) provides eligible people with subsidised Assistive Technology (AT) to enhance independence in their home, facilitate community participation and support families and carers in their role.     

The State-wide Equipment Program (SWEP) is pleased to announce that Pedorthists can now access this funding for eligible consumers in recognition of their expertise in the provision of customised and medical grade footwear, shoe modifications and orthoses in line with other funding agencies. This arrangement commences on 21st December 2020.



SWEP Communique - Clarification re pressure mattresses funded through VA&EP

27 November 2020

Over recent years there has been an increase in the type of mattresses advertised to have pressure relief or pressure prevention properties. SWEP would like to confirm the type of mattresses we can provide a funding subsidy towards.

Under the Victorian Aids & Equipment Program Operational Policies, for all AT categories, SWEP does not fund what would be considered normal household items, including standard mattresses for standard beds.  What we do fund is pressure reducing mattresses for hospital beds. 

SWEP Communique - Practitioner Portal Updates

6 August 2020

Dear Practitioner, 

SWEP have been reviewing our Practitioner online Portal and have made some changes to the Practitioner home page. These changes will take effect on 8th August. The link to login, how to log in and the application process will all remain the same and none of your registration details will change. 

The Application tab from the top right hand tool bar has moved and your applications can now be accessed by clicking on the tab on the front home page titled 'Complete and Manage Applications for Assistive Technology'. 

SWEP Communique - Continence Subsidy Update

20 July 2020
SWEP has recently reviewed the Victorian Aids & Equipment Program Operational Policies with regard to how the funding subsidy is applied in the Continence Aids Program.  Our Operational Policies confirm that each eligible VA&EP consumer can access up to $1,200 over a 12-month period toward the cost of the items listed in the Operational Policies. This is from the date of their first application

SWEP Communique - SWEP Staff Working Remotely

16 July 2020
SWEP would like to provide an update on how we are working during the COVID 19 restrictions. 

As some of you would be aware SWEP shifted to having staff working from home, where possible, in late March.  This had an impact on our phone systems and how we manage our calls.  Since late March callers have had to leave messages and wait for a return call from our staff, with many people experiencing delays in speaking directly with a staff member.  We wanted to say thank you for your patience during these difficult times and acknowledge there has been frustration for some people in making contact with our service. 

SWEP Communique - Continence Aids Program supplier update

29 June 2020
The State-wide Equipment Program (SWEP) currently administers the Continence Aids Program for the Department of Health & Human Services for eligible State funded consumers. SWEP also provides continence services to NDIS participants and privately funded consumers.

SWEP has recently completed a robust tender procurement process as the current contract for supply of these items is due to end on 30 June 2020.

SWEP Communique - TAC and SWEP expansion of OT credentialing

8 June 2020
Last year, the TAC partnered with the State-Wide Equipment Program (SWEP) to manage the registration and credentialing of occupational therapists providing services for the TAC. Initially this was only used for OT's providing TAC services related to the assessment and provision of assistive technology. 

SWEP expansion of occupational therapy credentialing
In response to sector feedback and engagement with the OTA, from 17th August 2020, SWEP credentialing will be extended to all other essential OT services for those OT's providing services to TAC clients.

These services are reflected in a new SWEP category, 'Capacity and Performance Evaluation" (CAPE) which includes OT treatment and treatment plans, as well as capacity based assessments and reviews.

SWEP Communique - Laryngectomy Consumables Program

3 June 2020
SWEP have recently received enquiries in relation to the Laryngectomy Consumables Program (LCP) and how the funding subsidy is applied. As per the Operational Guidelines for this program each LCP consumer can access up to $5,000 over a 12-month period towards the cost of the items listed in the Operational Policies.

SWEP Communique - Update on management of Voice Aids & Laryngectomy Applications

24 April 2020
Dear Practitioner

Voice Aids and Laryngectomy applications will now be managed by the SWEP Assistive Technology team rather than the Oxygen team.  There is no change to how you submit your applications, but we now ask that you please refer any queries to the AT Team, as follows: 

Email:  swepat@bhs.org.au 
Ph:  1300 747 937 and choose option 4 for the all other equipment enquiries (Assistive Technology team)

SWEP Management Team

SWEP Communique - Contacting the State-wide Equipment Program (SWEP) as the CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) Situation Evolves

1 April 2020
As the rapidly changing COVID-19 situation evolves and as the Victorian Government introduces stricter social distancing laws, SWEP has now taken further measures to allow for our entire workforce to work from home, whilst maintaining continuity of services for our consumers.  

Within the next two business days our phone system will revert to mobile phones, which will be manned remotely.     You can still reach us on 1300 747 937, where two dedicated team members will take urgent messages to pass onto the applicable teams.    

SWEP Communique - COVID-19 Oxygen Supply

26 March 2020

Dear Practitioners

SWEP have been working with our Clinical Advisors to ensure we have measures in place to support our consumers and practitioners as we navigate the challenges presenting with the COVID virus.

Wherever possible, compliance to TSANZ Position Paper recommendations for home oxygen supply should be maintained. We do understand that some services are now being prioritized around COVID-19 and are implementing processes to ensure your patients are not at risk and that we ensure continuity of supply with oxygen equipment.

SWEP Communique - COVID-19 Continence Supply

26 March 2020

Dear Practitioners

SWEP have been working to ensure we have measures in place to support our consumers and Practitioners as we navigate the challenges presenting with the COVID pandemic.

Wherever possible, compliance with SWEP normal processes should be adhered to. SWEP recognises that many organisations will not be operating within business as usual practice.

SWEP are implementing processes to ensure our consumers are not compromised and that we ensure continuity of supply for continence items where we can.

SWEP Communique - Orthotics Update March 2020

17 March 2020

Dear AT Practitioner

This communique includes information for you about:

  • What can be funded by the Victorian Aids & Equipment Program (VA&EP)
  • Clarification about fitting and shipping charges
  • Use of the SWEP quotation template
  • Changes to inclusion of AOPA registration number on quotation template (where relevant) 'Grandfather' clause for applications received prior to January 1, 2020.

This communique follows on from the information we provided to you in late November 2019. We
received valuable feedback at that time and wish to provide some further updates. We hope this makes
it clearer to understand what you can apply for and who is eligible for assistance through VA&EP. SWEP
is committed to providing equitable access to eligible Victorians across all equipment categories and
these changes have been made accordingly.

The Lymphoedema Practitioners Education Group of Victoria - An invitation

18 December 2019

The Lymphoedema Practitioners Education Group of Victoria


Invites you to a Continuing Professional Development event.

SWEP Communique - Updated Standard for Practitioner Registration and Credentialing

12 December 2019

SWEP is committed to ongoing quality and improvement, and we are pleased to advise that we have reviewed and updated The Standard for registration and credentialing with SWEP. We believe these changes will make it much easier for practitioners to understand what is required of them and to navigate the resources and application types. 

This Standard has been released and is now published on the SWEP website https://swep.bhs.org.au

SWEP Communique - Reminder to Update your TAC Preferences

4 December 2019
As per our communique released on the 25th of September, SWEP have partnered with the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) to provide a registration and credentialing service for all Occupational Therapists (OT's) currently providing services to the TAC. 
As part of this partnership, SWEP are sharing with the TAC information about the work location, contact details and credentialing levels of our registered OT's to enable the TAC to contact you and determine if you have the capacity to provide TAC services in your area.

Performance Report Card November 2019

2 December 2019
We have collated the data for November 2019 and presented the achievements of each program for this month. Every month we will provide information about each program.

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