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SWEP Communique - Supra-plus catheters update

16 October 2019

Dear Continence Practitioners,                       

On the 29th August, I wrote to you advising that SWEP was unable to fund open tip / supra-plus catheters for urethral use if this was not part of the items' TGA approval or manufacturer guidelines.

Some of you have raised concerns about how this might impact your clients who have had a lot of success with these catheters being used urethrally.

SWEP Communique - Laryngectomy Consumables Program - Online Applications

16 October 2019
SWEP is pleased to announce that applications for funding assistance through the Laryngectomy Consumables Program can now be submitted online.  As such, paper applications for this program will no longer be accepted after October 31, 2019.

SWEP Communique - Independence Australia Closure

15 October 2019

Independence Australia Closure 18th  - 22nd October 2019

Independence Australia have advised that they will be updating their online web store this month. As a result, the online store and Customer Service Centre will be closed from 4pm on Friday the 18th of October and will reopen at 8am on Tuesday the 22nd of October 2019.

SWEP Communique - Practitioner Resources

9 October 2019
SWEP is committed to supporting AT Practitioners to assist consumers with the provision of Assistive Technology. Under the ' AT Practitioners' section of the SWEP website, you will find a variety of links available to help in this area.

Performance Report Card September 2019

1 October 2019
We have collated the data for September 2019 and presented the achievements of each program for this month. Every month we will provide information about each program.

Announcement of Partnership with the Transport Accident Commission (TAC)

25 September 2019

What's happening?

SWEP is excited to announce that the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) has chosen to partner with SWEP to provide a registration and credentialing service for all Occupational Therapists (OT's) currently providing services to the TAC. 

SWEP Communique: Product Recalls

24 September 2019

SWEP has been advised of a recall of the below listed items

SWEP Communique - Home Modifications process changes

13 September 2019
Following on from our previous communique SWEP update regarding review of the Home Modifications Panel, SWEP would like to update you on the current requirements for applying for funding assistance through the Victorian Aids & Equipment Program (VA&EP) for the home modifications subsidy. 

As of July 1 2019, consumers are able to select their preferred registered builder/tradesperson.  SWEP may check their Victoria Building Authority (VBA) registration. 

SWEP Communique - Open tip/Supra-plus Catheters

29 August 2019

Dear Continence Practitioners,                       

SWEP has recently become aware that some practitioners may be using and requesting open tip / supra-plus catheters for urethral use. 

It is our understanding as per the TGA and manufacturer instructions that these types of catheters should only be used for supra-pubic purposes. 

SWEP Communique - Mobility scooter related injuries and deaths

29 August 2019
Dear AT Practitioners,

To support you in safe quality practice, SWEP would like to highlight a recent report on "Mobility scooter related injuries and deaths" published in May 2019 by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, available here.

While the benefits of scooters for mobility and quality of life are well documented, this report offers an evidence-based review of mobility scooter related injuries and deaths. It includes data relating to pedestrian injury and collision, as well as falls from a mobility scooter that required hospital admission.

SWEP AT Practitioner Communique

15 August 2019
SWEP AT Practitioner Communique  - Update re SWEP teams and email addresses

You may have recently noticed that SWEP has made some changes to our internal team structure. We have streamlined our phone queues and our email public folders. Please find below a list of the phone options & the relevant email address for each team. 

Performance Report Card August 2019

2 August 2019
We have collated the data for August 2019 and presented the achievements of each program for this month. Every month we will provide information about each program.

Access to VA&EP Funding for Consumers Under 65 Years of Age

31 July 2019

Thank you to everyone who has sought feedback from the State-wide Equipment Program (SWEP) in recent months regarding funding for Assistive Technology (AT) items for consumer's who are under 65 years of age.

As a result of this feedback, SWEP has liaised with the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to determine how we ensure that Victorian Government funds are only used to support eligible consumers. It is important to understand that consumers who can access funding for AT from other government programs such as the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) are not eligible to access support for AT from the Victorian Aids and Equipment Program (VA&EP). In addition, consumers who can access funding from their private health insurer or from compensation, legal settlements or court awards for AT need to discuss their eligibility with SWEP.

SWEP Communique - Bed stick update

9 July 2019
Update to the SWEP funding of Bed sticks

SWEP acknowledges that there are risks related to the use of single point sticks, or bed sticks without a ball top.
As a result, SWEP will no longer be providing subsidy funding for certain bed sticks.

Please click here to see the bed sticks that are and are not available

SWEP Communique - Bed stick update

9 July 2019

Update to the SWEP funding of Bed sticks

SWEP acknowledges that there are risks related to the use of single point sticks, or bed sticks without a ball top.
As a result, SWEP will no longer be providing subsidy funding for certain bed sticks.
Please click here to see the bed sticks that are and are not available.

Performance Report Card July 2019

2 July 2019
We have collated the data for July 2019 and presented the achievements of each program for this month. Every month we will provide information about each program.

Performance Report Card June 2019

1 July 2019
We have collated the data for June 2019 and presented the achievements of each program for this month. Every month we will provide information about each program.

Performance Report Card May 2019

14 June 2019
We have collated the data for May 2019 and presented the achievements of each program for this month. Every month we will provide information about each program.

SWEP Communique - Home Modification Builder Query

28 May 2019
We would like to advise that SWEP are aware of the recent news stories released relating to work undertaken by Maker Constructions and have undertaken an internal investigation into this particular case.
SWEP can confirm, that at this particular time, all quotations from the builder in question will continue to be accepted.
Kind regards,
The SWEP Management Team

SWEP Communique - Non-contracted Continence items

13 May 2019

SWEP has recently extended the contract with Independence Australia for continence products for a further 12 months. We have updated our database to reflect the most up-to-date contract items available. As part of the up-date we have removed all non-contracted, inactive and discontinued items from the database.

We have also revamped the non-contracted items picklist codes. If you require an item that is not contracted you will need to select the relevant code from the non-contracted items picklist codes and provide a quote from the supplier of your choice.  This will apply to all applications and phone orders.

Communique - State-wide Equipment Program (SWEP) Oxygen supply

8 May 2019

After many months of deliberation and quite an extensive tender and procurement process, SWEP would like to announce that Supagas has been contracted to supply oxygen for our Domiciliary Oxygen Program from July 1, 2019.

Our transition planning is based around minimal interruption for consumers and we are working with our suppliers to ensure that the new equipment is installed, and consumers are confident about using it, prior to removal of the Air Liquide Healthcare oxygen equipment.  Please rest assured, there will be no changes to the 'package' of oxygen equipment that consumers are currently using.

SWEP Communique-Chemtronics Employment Opportunity Update

6 May 2019
We are excited to let you know that Chemtronics has appointed Niharika Dhillon to the AT Practitioner role at our reissue warehouse in Thomastown. Niharika will take on Sarah's role whilst she is on maternity leave to support practitioners and consumers with the provision of expert advice on the suitability of reissue equipment and customisation options.

Performance Report Card April 2019

1 May 2019
We have collated the data for April 2019 and presented the achievements of each program for this month. Every month we will provide information about each program.

SWEP Communique - New Contracted Items and Portal

24 April 2019

With the recent introduction of our new contracted suppliers to the portal, you would have noticed many changes to how you can select items for your consumer.

SWEP Communique - SWEP update regarding review of the Home Modifications Panel

17 April 2019

Following development of a revised operating model for its administration of Home Modifications, the State-wide Equipment Program (SWEP) established a panel of providers, known as the SWEP Builders and Tradespersons Panel. An open Expression of Interest process was undertaken and the Panel commenced operation in October 2017.

At its outset, the SWEP Builders and Tradespersons Panel sought improved reliability, accessibility, safety, capability, accountability, value and consumer outcomes in home modifications and greater protection for home owners. SWEP wishes to acknowledge the enthusiasm, commitment and support the SWEP Builders and Tradespersons Panel have provided to SWEP and our consumers since inception.

Following significant feedback and analysis of the Panel arrangement, SWEP has subsequently undertaken an extensive review of the SWEP Builders & Tradespersons Panel.  Factors impacting the Panel have been varied, and both external and internal stakeholder feedback has been considered in this review. Common themes as well as stakeholder specific issues have emerged.

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