Dear Practitioners,
Please see flyer from Independence Australia with closure dates for the upcoming holiday period. To ensure pre-Christmas delivery of products for your consumer please make sure your orders are in before December 1st 2022.
SWEP has completed a review of how we manage home modifications applications and has recognised the current process using an approval in principle (AIP) model requires changing. We are therefore streamlining processes and documentation, to allow us to appropriately assess the request on receipt of application.
We have worked with our Clinical Advisors and staff to review feedback received from practitioners and consumers which has resulted in the removal of the AIP model. We acknowledge that the AIP process has added unnecessary layers of complexity for practitioners and SWEP in submitting and managing home modifications applications.
Please find below a snapshot of the SWEP 2021-2022 Consumer satisfaction survey results.
Dear Practitioners,
We are very excited to let you know that we have received additional non-recurrent funding for the 2022-23 and 2023-24 financial years.
Based on current demand trends, this means that we are now in a position to order applications for eligible consumers when all documentation is received at SWEP.
Over the coming months we will continuously monitor any change in demand trends for support through our programs and will let you know if there is any need to change this practice.
Dear Practitioner,
SWEP have been advised by Independence Australia of a product recall for Hollister urinary drainage bags due to a leakage issue. There are certain manufacturing lots that are affected. Information on the recall can be found via the Hollister recall notice here.
Dear Practitioners,
SWEP have been working closely with our Laryngectomy Consumables and Voice Aids suppliers to ensure we streamline the quote process for all stakeholders. Laryngectomy suppliers have agreed to set pricing annually for our consumers.
We are pleased to advise that practitioners will no longer need to source quotes from the suppliers and can now use the price lists and quote spreadsheets attached to our website
Dear Practitioner,
We are pleased to advise you about additional funding we have received for the next two financial years. This funding is the result of a Whole of Government budget bid to continue to provide a range of supports for Victorians who do not meet the NDIS eligibility criteria, or where the NDIS cannot support a participant's outcomes with supports under the NDIS.
The additional funding will be targeted specifically for the consumer cohort seeking support through VA&EP who are aged under 65 years and ineligible for support through the NDIS.
The current LCGP operational policies will remain in
place until further consultation work has been carried out. Given some of the
feedback on the proposed change, and in line with the Department of Health, we
will pause the implementation and further investigate any unintended
consequences to ensure patient access to these garments is not adversely
Dear Practitioners
We are very pleased to advise that the Department of Health (DH) have approved changes to the available continence product list for consumers using catheters, to include inter-related Catheter Change Packs (Independence Australia Product code/SWEP Picklist code: 10000442).
Changes to the SWEP Operational Policies and inclusion of the Catheter Packs will be implemented from July 1, 2022 and these packs will be available to select for your consumer via the SWEP database.
Annually we ask consumers, after they have received and used their Assistive Technology, to tell us how satisfied they are overall with their SWEP experience.
We have again exceeded our target of at least 90% satisfaction rate as set by the Department of Health. Click here to see the full results.
In the 2020-21FY, the Department of Health (DH) provided additional funding for a term of four years to the Lymphoedema Compression Garment Program (LCGP). The objective of the additional funding was to increase access to an approved range of subsidised garments and the number of consumers supported.
Review of demand trends since the injection of additional funds has identified that the program has had a far greater reach for this consumer cohort and enabled introduction of an increased range of garments.
Through feedback channels, processes implemented have appeared to unfairly disadvantage consumers in relation to the funding they receive, based on the number of garments they need per limb or number of limbs affected. This has created confusion for consumers and placed extra administrative burden for Practitioners, Suppliers and SWEP staff and does not align with the overarching subsidy limits by equipment category across other Victorian Aids & Equipment programs.
The State-wide Equipment Program (SWEP) will be closed on Wednesday, 01 June, 2022 for a Staff Training Day and will re-open at 08.30 a.m. on Thursday, 02 June, 2022.
An emergency breakdown service will be available during this period by phoning SWEP on 1300 747 937 and selecting option 1 - your call will then transfer to an operator who will be able to assist.
Dear Practitioner,
SWEP is aware that some Lymphoedema Practitioners are still adapting to the electronic format used to submit SWEP applications.
Within the SWEP portal there are some shortcuts which make repeat applications quicker, and practitioners have identified some hints and tips that are perhaps unique to lymphoedema applications.
Dear Practitioner,
Last year SWEP implemented a new process for the management of 'low-cost' (<$250) applications, in order to eliminate waiting times. This was to help alleviate the administrative burden for AT Practitioners, administration staff and provide faster access to much need low cost equipment.
The process has been working well, however we have identified an issue associated with the management of these applications when submitted for multiple items i.e the application includes a 'high-cost' (>$250) and 'low-cost' item (<$250), (e.g. an application for a lift/recliner chair and low back utility chair).
Dear Suppliers and Practitioners,
Re: Consumer sign-off requirements on VA&EP documents
Throughout the last two years, it has been necessary for SWEP to ease the requirements for Consumer Eligibility Form sign-off, Proof of Delivery (POD), Certificate of Completion (POC), Home and Vehicle Modification documentation. This was due to the significant challenges for practitioners, suppliers and consumers to meet face to face, whilst various Covid-19 restrictions/lockdowns were in place.
The SWEP eligibility requirements and credentialing Standard for Lymphoedema Practitioners (compression garments) has changed to support consumer access and choice, as well as to align with changes to the Australasian Lymphology Association (ALA) Accredited Lymphoedema Practitioner Program, and new competency standards that underpin ALA endorsed training programs.
The State-wide Equipment Program (SWEP) is seeking volunteers to share their voice in shaping our services. SWEP wants to hear what you think - your voice helps to make sure that our services are right for the community.
SWEP funded assistive technology is owned by SWEP where we have funded more than 50% towards the cost and the item is considered 're-issuable'.
When we are advised that a consumer no longer needs an item that is re-issuable, SWEP arranges collection of the equipment via our contracted Repairs & Re-issue Supplier, Chemtronics.
The item then undergoes a 'viability assessment' to determine whether it is in good enough condition to be reissued to another consumer.
Any items that are considered to be in very good condition and suitable for re-issue to another SWEP consumer are entered onto our reissue database.
SWEP is seeking expressions of interest from Specialist Respiratory and Sleep Medicine Physicians, to join our expert Clinical Advisory Panel for our adult consumer cohort.
We are seeking highly experienced Specialist Respiratory and Sleep Medicine Physicians who prescribe oxygen for home use regularly and can demonstrate a minimum of 10 years' experience doing so.
You will be committed to the application of best evidence through the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ) Clinical Practice Guideline, for Adult Domiciliary Oxygen Therapy (2014)1.
Dear Practitioners,
Due to a recent 'glitch' in the SWEP database it has been brought to our attention that between the 3 - 11 February 2022, any applications that have had additional documents attached, have not generated a notification to the SWEP team.
Dear Continence Practitioners
Supply Issues: Bard Flip Flo Valve Bff20 13100010
We have been advised by our contracted Supplier, Independence Australia (IA) that they are having ongoing supply issues with the Bard Flip Flo Valve Bff20 13100010, with no confirmed ETA.
SWEP is seeking expressions of interest from Continence Practitioners to join our expert Clinical Advisory Panel for our consumer cohort.
We are seeking highly experienced Continence Practitioners who prescribe continence consumables regularly and can demonstrate a minimum of 10 years' experience.
You will be able to demonstrate participation in activities that contribute directly to maintaining your clinical competence and expertise.
You will have the below registrations and experience;
SWEP is seeking expressions of interest from Speech Pathologists to join our expert Clinical Advisory Panel for our consumer cohort.
We are seeking highly experienced Speech Pathologists who prescribe voice aids & laryngectomy consumables regularly and can demonstrate a minimum of 10 years' experience.
You will be a member or an eligible member of Speech Pathology Australia and be able to demonstrate participation in activities that contribute directly to maintaining your clinical competence and expertise.
As a Clinical Advisor you may be required to;
Dear SWEP practitioners
As you are aware, SWEP uses a credentialing based process to acknowledge practitioner levels of experience and currency in a range of assistive technology and professional areas of practice.
What is re-credentialing?
Re-credentialing is the process of periodically reviewing and verifying credentials to ensure a practitioner continues to meet SWEP's requirements and standards applicable to one or more categories or areas of practice. This includes maintenance of roles, experience, mileage, currency, complexity and ongoing learning.